viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009

They don't want to succed!!

They don’t want to succeed!
You can’t save a kid who doesn’t want to be saved

As everyone knows teaching is a difficult profession. Nowadays, teenagers have been the most difficult period that teachers have to deal with. There are several factors in this essential period that have to be considered by any teacher. For instance: teenagers are looking for their identity, against any authority, those behaviour explain students’ behaviour most of the time. Speaking of rude behaviour what is going on at school? Do teachers know how to manage adolescent in classroom? What happen if students don’t want to study, are teachers going to impose them to do it?

Miss Johnson and Mr Gray the first question is: Do you think there are students who have potential and others who don’t? Was human being born with potential or it is built during their life?

(Mr Gray) During my degree I have seen many things from teenagers. There are students who have potential that other don’t. Unfortunately, teachers have to pay more attention to those students who are able to acquire the knowledge otherwise we’ll spend our time with students who do not wan to be better. Having in mind who are the good students, teachers are going to do a good job.

(Miss Johnson) How do you know that! How are we going to know that a student has such potential if we do not encourage him/her?

(Mr Gray) It is true! As teachers we cannot give opportunities for every kid who might have potential. I prefer assure those students who show their abilities.

Mr Gray, with no hope in others. Does it sound a little bit tough, doesn’t it? What does Miss Johnson think about it?

(Miss Johnson) Every student must have the same opportunity. Besides, if we really believe in what Mr Gray is saying the education’s aim would be a failure. It is not an easy task, but if we do not believe in students’ abilities who does?

Miss Johnson if we consider what you are referring to. Why does your school have two different courses? Why there are ACL and P students?

(Miss Johnson) I don’t agree with that, but I don’t know why there are two courses.
Mr Gray you have been working here long time ago. Naybe you can answer the question.

(Mr Gray) It’s a simple matter of logistics. There isn’t enough room in the ACL classes for every kid who might have potential.

So, we can say that the ACL students are the smart ones?

(Mr Gray) You are right (…)

(Miss Johnson) That’s not fair. Every child should have an equal chance. Therefore, teacher’s expectation has an important influence on them.

(Mr Gray) Miss Johnson everyone notices that! I don’t want to sound jaded but it is impossible be equal with all of them.

Mr Gray there is an article where you mentioned that some students don’t want to succeed. Could you be clear? Explain it deeply

(Mr Gray) There is a depressing but true fact. When you are a teacher you really want all of the kids to succeed. However, you realized that it is no possible. There are going to be some who don’t want to be successful for many reasons.

(Miss Johnson) How do you know they want to fail?

(Mr Gray) Miss Johnson, you have noticed it, haven’t you? We can’t save a kid who doesn’t want to be saved

(Miss Johnson) Perhaps, we can not be able to do that. But, I am not going to walk into the classroom and expect my kids to fail. I expect them to learn.

I strongly believe that society wants teachers with a different opinion Mr Gray. Maybe one more close to Miss Johnson’ statement, what do you think about her point of view?

(Mr Gray) She is young and has that fire that not all teachers have. Perhaps that’s makes the difference

10 comentarios:

  1. Definitely tha spark makes the difference.
    You need to have something, I don't know how to call it, but yeah, it could be the fire in your heart.
    Not everybody could do this job. I mean, they could, but not in the best way.

    I enjoy your work. You sumed up the best dialogues and analyzed them.
    That's a critical thinker! That's my good friend! :D

  2. Hey! I liked what you did, becuse you were able to think "what mss. Johnson would say and mr. Gray too"...
    What called my attention was when mr gray says that "you can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved"... Sometimes I ask to myself this question..I mean, I'm not a god, therefore, I can't save anyone, but I can help if someone needs it!

    Congratulations, Good job!

  3. WOW! I was very interested reading your magazine section!
    you used what we read in the book and took it a further by including what you think. I think it was a great idea. As always honey, you made a fantastic job

  4. Hi! To me this one is one of the most elaborate works not only because you wrote a lot, also because you analyzed it exhaustively.
    I liked very much!

  5. HI!
    I am shock!! your interview is really cool. I really ilke it. It was defenitly the most interesting work. I can see that you did a deeply reserch in the chapters in order to do this entry.
    I hope the next wntry would be as good as this one.

  6. Very creative work!, It was very interesting to compare it with what we have read.

  7. Congratulations on a very well done job. I believe that sometimes that more than no wanting to be saved, teachers try to sell them dreams they can not afford.

    Nicely done and creative...

  8. great job!
    I really enjoyed reading you magazine section..

  9. Interesting topic! It's really difficult to teach tenagers. They can be very aggresive sometimes.

  10. My dear Maca!
    What a wonderful job!It really seems it took you too much time to do it!
    As several times, I got pretty surprised with the way you develop your magazine sections.

    Excelent job!

    love ya'
