viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

Letter to the editor

I WANTED FLY(...) and I did!
First of all, I would like to say that I really aprreciate most of your enterviews, they are really good. I consider that this newspaper trys to give a subjective point of view which has been one of the most relevant reason why I am a reader of this excellente newspaper. However the last report made me feel a little bit disppointed. As a Musician I appreciate every subjective expression and I strongly believe that your newspaper has done an excellenten job with all the issues that has tryed to develop but the last one did not achieve a subjective view.

On Monday, I read an article about adolescent period and how difficult deal with them is especially at school. The writer enphasized the fact that adolescents must be in charge of their failures at school. Clearly, this journalist firmly believes (and it was pretty clear throught his writing) that adolescents do not do their homework, pay attention, attend to classes, dress properly and so on. I disaprove all these comments, because there are many people who are responsable abou it, not just adolescents. Everyone knows that adolecent period is a very difficult process where students fight with any authority and look for their identity. If we focus our attention on school what was the purpose of the journalist, we must recognize that teachers must be in charge of this important issue. Educators cannot ignore this process and they should not give all the responsibility to learners. It seems that the writer considered what everyone says: students are lazy, they do not think in their future, they just want to go to parties and take drugs and so on. I do not shame the journalist about it, because our society has contributed to build this adolecent's image like the lazy ones.

I was one of this disruptive students. When I was in high school I was in the P class which meant that I was not good at in anything so I did not have good marks. I still remember how teachers called us " we were the remedial students" The ACL's class was the oposit. There were well-behave students with great potential. But it did not happen to us.

I was one of the tipical student who was always in the back of the room. I had an untypical style. I listened to punk rock and I wore torn blacksweatshirt. Every teacher judged me by my appearance "You can't judge a book by its cover" However one day everything changed. Mrs J. was my English teacher. She was in charge of P' students where I belonged (I guessed)

Despite my bad reputation, Mrs J was the only one who believed in my capabilities. I was accustomed to hear from my tecahers that I was able to do nothing. Something that comes to my mind is Mrs J' s words " I don´t think Danny's worthless" She sayed loud and clear in front of one of my classes. One of my tecahers told to Mrs' J "He is a short-timer"

One day, Mrs J. asked me if I was interested in being part of her other class, the ACL's one.She strongly believed that I had potential to be in that class. When I observed the class I was shocked! These students were completely different to us, they participated and gave their opinions. I felt that this was my place! Mrs J. told me : in this class we look at it, discuss, try hard and then "we fly" I was completely mesmerized by this class...

I wanted to fly and she encouraged me to !

I wanted to share my experience with all of you because I FLEW. I want you to reflect about this important issue. Are adolecents the only responsable of their failures? What have happened if Mrs J. would not have arrieved in mi ilfe? I would like to suggest that teachers are equally responsable of students' failures as they are. Do not give all the resposability to students, because teachers have to do with it as well. All of my teachers contributed to build up my low self-esteem and criticized my way of dress for example.

To conclude, I would like you to considere it as a contribution and see education as an issue which have to be developed with a good suport. About this topic, I had liked that the writer would have based his report in the two sides "teachers and students" This newspaper is one of the best, but I personally believe that readers are part of this success. Most of the times reader's opinions help to make it better. I hope that this writing will help to continue the unique subjective view that this newespaper have had always throught its lines.

By Danny Morton

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009

They don't want to succed!!

They don’t want to succeed!
You can’t save a kid who doesn’t want to be saved

As everyone knows teaching is a difficult profession. Nowadays, teenagers have been the most difficult period that teachers have to deal with. There are several factors in this essential period that have to be considered by any teacher. For instance: teenagers are looking for their identity, against any authority, those behaviour explain students’ behaviour most of the time. Speaking of rude behaviour what is going on at school? Do teachers know how to manage adolescent in classroom? What happen if students don’t want to study, are teachers going to impose them to do it?

Miss Johnson and Mr Gray the first question is: Do you think there are students who have potential and others who don’t? Was human being born with potential or it is built during their life?

(Mr Gray) During my degree I have seen many things from teenagers. There are students who have potential that other don’t. Unfortunately, teachers have to pay more attention to those students who are able to acquire the knowledge otherwise we’ll spend our time with students who do not wan to be better. Having in mind who are the good students, teachers are going to do a good job.

(Miss Johnson) How do you know that! How are we going to know that a student has such potential if we do not encourage him/her?

(Mr Gray) It is true! As teachers we cannot give opportunities for every kid who might have potential. I prefer assure those students who show their abilities.

Mr Gray, with no hope in others. Does it sound a little bit tough, doesn’t it? What does Miss Johnson think about it?

(Miss Johnson) Every student must have the same opportunity. Besides, if we really believe in what Mr Gray is saying the education’s aim would be a failure. It is not an easy task, but if we do not believe in students’ abilities who does?

Miss Johnson if we consider what you are referring to. Why does your school have two different courses? Why there are ACL and P students?

(Miss Johnson) I don’t agree with that, but I don’t know why there are two courses.
Mr Gray you have been working here long time ago. Naybe you can answer the question.

(Mr Gray) It’s a simple matter of logistics. There isn’t enough room in the ACL classes for every kid who might have potential.

So, we can say that the ACL students are the smart ones?

(Mr Gray) You are right (…)

(Miss Johnson) That’s not fair. Every child should have an equal chance. Therefore, teacher’s expectation has an important influence on them.

(Mr Gray) Miss Johnson everyone notices that! I don’t want to sound jaded but it is impossible be equal with all of them.

Mr Gray there is an article where you mentioned that some students don’t want to succeed. Could you be clear? Explain it deeply

(Mr Gray) There is a depressing but true fact. When you are a teacher you really want all of the kids to succeed. However, you realized that it is no possible. There are going to be some who don’t want to be successful for many reasons.

(Miss Johnson) How do you know they want to fail?

(Mr Gray) Miss Johnson, you have noticed it, haven’t you? We can’t save a kid who doesn’t want to be saved

(Miss Johnson) Perhaps, we can not be able to do that. But, I am not going to walk into the classroom and expect my kids to fail. I expect them to learn.

I strongly believe that society wants teachers with a different opinion Mr Gray. Maybe one more close to Miss Johnson’ statement, what do you think about her point of view?

(Mr Gray) She is young and has that fire that not all teachers have. Perhaps that’s makes the difference

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2009

Two Fridas

The piece of art that I chose is called “Two Fridas”. This painting was made on 1939 by Frida Kahlo, a Mexican painter.

This painting was made in a very difficult moment in Frida’s life. As everyone knows, Frida was in love with Diego her husband. While she was painting it she received a paper from Diego that announced their got divorced. It was so hard for her that’s why expressed her deep pain through this piece of art.

The reason of why she painted two Fridas was a representation of before and after the divorce. The right Frida represents someone in love and the other one someone suffering a horrible love pain.

I really liked this paint for many reasons. Firstly, I love Frida’s art and I am really interested in her life. Secondly, I strongly believe that women suffer and understand love in a different way in comparison to men. That’s way the messages that she express through her painting are very attractive